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Up and atom! The elements of a good Chemistry pun are nerdy wordplay and periodic table humor. Enjoy some funny chemistry jokes, puns, and one-liners.
Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love

Scientists, teachers, and anyone with science humor will giggle at a good play on words about Chemistry. Whether you’re a chemist or just try to remember your favorite (or not-so-favorite) subject in school, there should to be a funny Chemistry pun for you to enjoy.

Here are 45 Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love

Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love

Chemistry Puns

Gold is the best element because it’s AU-some

Salt made a pun joke and it was Sodium funny

Keep your ion the prize

I think that angry flask completely overreacted.

Lose an electron? Gotta keep an ion it

If you’re not problem of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.
Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love #chemistry #chemistryjokes #sciencejokes #sciencepuns #chemistrypuns #punny #science

You’re too angry, you need to molecule off.

I can’t remember that element, but it’s on the tip of my tungsten.

The proton is not speaking to the other proton, he’s mad atom.

Chemists are so happy in the lab because they’re in their element.

Make like a proton and stay positive.

I like to hear chemistry puns, periodically

It’s morning time, up and atom!
Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love #chemistry #chemistryjokes #sciencejokes #sciencepuns #chemistrypuns #punny #science

Chemistry Puns and Jokes

What is a chemist’s favorite holiday song?
Oh Chemist-TREE, oh Chemist-TREE!

A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender how much a drink costs.
“For you, no charge.”

Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium?
It went OK.

What did the man say when his girlfriend threw sodium and chloride at him?
That’s as-salt!

What do you call an acid with an attitude?
A-mean-o Acid

What do you call a nonsensical felon?
A silicon

Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium?
It went just OK.

Why can you never trust an atom?
They make up literally everything!

Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love #chemistry #chemistryjokes #sciencejokes #sciencepuns #chemistrypuns #punny #science

What do you do with a sick chemist?
If you can’t helium, and you can’t curium, then you might as well barium.

What does a photon say when the bellboy asks if he needs any help with his luggage?
“No thanks, I’m traveling light.”

Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together?

What do solids, liquids and gases have in common?
They all matter.
I’d tell you another chemistry joke.
Unfortunately, all the good ones argon.

I wish I was adenine.
Then I could get paired with U.

Want to hear a Potassium joke?

Where do you put dirty dishes?
The zinc

Chemistry Puns And Jokes Any Science Nerd Will Love #chemistry #chemistryjokes #sciencejokes #sciencepuns #chemistrypuns #punny #science

Anyone know any jokes about sodium?

When God created the earth, what mattered to him most?
Atom and Eve

Organic chemistry is difficult.
People who study it have alkynes of trouble.

What happens when Silver Surfer and Iron Man team up?
They become instant alloys.

I have many chemistry jokes but I’m afraid they won’t get a good reaction

I was reading a book on helium and I just couldn’t put it down.

My chemistry experiment exploded.
It’s ok, oxidants happen.