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Clever puns and funny jokes are scientifically proven to make you laugh (or maybe cringe). Use your power of observation and take a look at some of these brilliant and nerdy puns that only scientists would understand.

40+ Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love

Research and experiments are part of the science life. It might seem stale or boring, but scientists often have some of the most clever jokes and one liners to offer. It may seem a little nerdy but some might say “you’d only understand if you were a scientist”.

There’s multiple fields of study in science and therefore, multiple opportunities to concoct some genius puns. (You can also check out space puns or chemistry puns.) Take some inspiration from the ones gathered below.

Here are 40+ Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love

40+ Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love

Science Puns

No matter how popular they get, antibiotics will never go viral

When organisms don’t like the rules, they protist.

Rest in peace, boiling water, you will be mist

If a plant is sad, do the other plants photosympathize with it?

Two blood cells met and fell in love but alas it was all in vein

If Fred Flintstone’s neurotransmitters could talk, they would say “GABA- dabba doo!”

Watt is love? Baby don’t hertz me.

Let’s get PHYSICS-cal
Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love, one liners jokes for scientists or a teacher #science #sciencejokes #sciencejoke #sciencepun #sciencepuns #sciencequote #sciencequotes

Don’t give the phone to a biologist, they can’t stop taking cell-fies.

If the cell in your hand does not contain cytoplasm, please put it away

When life gives you mold, make penicillin

I’m a big fan of renewable energy

The name’s Bond. Ionic Bond. Taken, not shared.

007’s Eskimo cousin is named Polar Bond.

453.6 graham crackers is 1 pound cake

1 millionth of a mouthwash is 1 microscope

Basic unit of laryngitis is 1 hoarsepower
Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love, one liners jokes for scientists or a teacher #science #sciencejokes #sciencejoke #sciencepun #sciencepuns #sciencequote #sciencequotes

Punny Science Jokes

What did the scientist receive on the first day of Christmas?
A partridge in a petri!

What is a physicist’s favorite food?
Fission chips

What caption does the physicist use for his food photos?

What is a physicist’s favorite part of a baseball game?
The wave

What do you call the group of people before millennials that love water?
Hydrogeneration X

What’s wrong when a physicist and a biology enter into a relationship?
There’s no chemistry.

Why do enzymes make the best deejays?
Because they always break it down.

What do you call the smartest monster of them all?

What does one tectonic plate say when it bumps into another?
“Sorry. My fault!”

What did the biologist wear on his first date?
Designer genes

What do you call someone who steal energy?
A Joule thief!

Why did the germ cross the microscope?
To get to the other slide

What do you call a microbiologist that has traveled a lot of countries?
A man of many cultures

Why did the man wish he was DNA helicase?
So he could unzip your genes

What do you call an educated tube?
A graduated cylinder

What did the hungry plant say to the other?
I can use a light snack

Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love, one liners jokes for scientists or a teacher #science #sciencejokes #sciencejoke #sciencepun #sciencepuns #sciencequote #sciencequotes

Why isn’t energy made of atoms?
It doesn’t matter.

Why is the spinal column so audacious?
Because he’s got nerve!

What did the girl say when her lab partner hit her with a human bone?
That’s humerus.

What kind of dog does a scientist have?
A lab

Where does bad light end up?
In prism.

What’s the fastest way to figure out the sex of a chromosome?
Just pull down its genes

Where does a hippopotamus go to university?

What do you call two dinosaurs that have been in an accident?
Tyrannosaurus wrecks

What do you call a snake that 3.24 feet long?

The circle wished to be a square
His dream is a π in the sky

Are you a carbon sample?
Because I’d love to date you

How does the nucleus text the ribosome?
With a cell-phone


50+ Clever Space Puns That Are Out Of This World Hilarious

Clever Science Puns And Jokes That Any Nerd Would Love, one liners jokes for scientists or a teacher #science #sciencejokes #sciencejoke #sciencepun #sciencepuns #sciencequote #sciencequotes