A wedding is a big event in everyone’s life. Marriage is a turning point in everyone’s life and this event is entirely on your shoulders right from inviting the guests until you leave for your honeymoon. There are a lot of details when it comes to weddings. After setting a date, one of the first decisions you have to make is writing the invitations.
Many have the idea of keeping the invitation classic and traditional whereas as some have idea of taking it the non-traditional way. Once you’ve decided to have a formal wedding, formal wedding invitations are a must. With some invitation wording examples for formal weddings, below are some basic points that should be included in your wedding invitation wording.
All wedding invitations should include the following:
- Who’s hosting (paying the wedding)
- The request line to come to the wedding
- The names of the bride and groom
- The date and time
- The location of ceremony
- Reception information
- Dress code (optional, preferred or only)
- Separate RSVP card
Other than that, create your wedding invitation based on you and your partner’s tastes. The wording should represent you two as a couple and the big day. (Just remember to include the important details of the wedding). Other than that, make your invitations your own.
Here are some examples for the formal wedding invitation wording examples to help get you started.
Couple hosting
With great pleasure,
Gwen Smith & Blake Jones
invite you to join them
the celebration of their marriage
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
at three in the afternoon
Santa Rosa Mural Room
Dinner and dancing to follow at Marriott Bayside
Black tie preferred
Gwen Smith & Blake Jones
Have the honor of announcing
their marriage
on Saturday, the twenty-fifth of August
Two thousand twenty-one
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Santa Rosa Mural Room
Dinner and dancing to follow at Marriott Bayside
Black tie preferred
Couple hosting with both sets of parents
Together with their families
Gwen Smith & Blake Jones
Request for your presence in their wedding
The fourth of February
twenty nineteen
at seven in the evening
The Foundry
Long Island, New York
reception to follow
RSVP within
Black Tie Preferred
James & Patricia Smith
and Matthew and Elizabeth Jones
invite you to celebrate with their children
Gwen & Blake
on their wedding day
the ninth of February
twenty twenty
at four o’clock in the evening
Marriott Lakeview
Reception to follow
Black tie preferred
With these examples, it’s clear that both the families are hosting.
The bride’s parents hosting
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Request the pleasure of your company
at the wedding of their daughter
Gwen Smith
Blake Steven Jones
Saturday, the twenty-fifth of September
Two thousand twenty-one
at six o’clock in the evening
First Methodist Church
Reception to follow
at Hilton Bayside
Black Tie Only
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Jones
Invite you to join in the
of the marriage of their daughter
Gwen Marie to
Blake Steven
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Jones
Saturday, October 11
Two thousand Twenty One
at 5 o’clock in the evening
Black Tie Only
As you can see, the request line is the one you have to get creative with. Once you figure out who is hosting, it’s much easier after that.
Some popular wedding request lines are:
- “please join us for the wedding of”
- “would love for you to join them”
- “request the pleasure of your company”
- “request the honor of your presence”
- “invite you to celebrate with them”
- “At the marriage of their children”
- “to celebrate the marriage of”
- “delighted to invite you to “
- “the pleasure of your company is requested at the marriage of”
With these formal wedding wording invitations examples, your formal wedding will be off to a great start.